轶事:导演罗西考虑过拍一部纪录片但担心意大利的审查制度因为当时许多他想谴责的政治人物仍在掌权他选择了一个虚构的故事然而他在电影结尾加了一句:“这里叙述的人物和事实是虚构的但产生它们的社会和环境现实是真实的”Rod Steiger的角色有评论说他看起来太像墨索里尼了于是Stegier后来在《韩国性生活影片》Mussolini ultimo atto (1974)和《庆春归》Lion of the Desert (1980)中扮演过墨索里尼
An overrated film as I see, dazzling yet not epic, most likely a failed interpretation with a confusing female character...the film language couldn't suffer the test of time , and the 4hr length doesn't seem to be neccesary at all...I would really prefer to see a 4hr long version of English Patient or Doctor Zhivago.